model was built from an older kit that lacked much of the
sophistication found in contemporary kits. However, I found that
with patience and some after-market improvements, this kit can
still be built into a reasonable representation of the Typhoon.
As it was one of my early attempts upon re-entering the modeling
fraternity, it was a not too expensive experiment of sorts. I’ve
always been fascinated by the storied history of this aircraft
so I was inspired to make the effort to see it through. This was
one of my first attempts at using an air brush which is a must
for anyone wanting to achieve satisfying results; not to say
that painting models by brush is not doable, but an airbrush is
the ideal tool for replicating all manners of paint finishes –
but for the faint of heart don’t expect mastering the airbrush
to come without various trials and tribulations! In any event,
most models will require a combination of both brush and